Now I'm sure you're all aware of the new feature on Instagram called 'guides', and we are here to break-down all you need to know to utilise this feature for your small business.
Instagram guides allow you to share recommendations and tips with your audience and appears in it's own segment on your Instagram profile as well as on the explore page. Once you have completed your guide you can also share your guides to your story to drive traffic to view your new content!
So, what exactly are guides? Guides are a curated selection of posts either from your own or other's Instagram profiles that you put together to match a particular concept, such as 'recommendations for travel locations' or 'tips for social media', where you can also add comments to further explain why you have chosen to include the posts in your guide.

How do I create an Instagram guide?
Head to your profile and click the + up the top, then select to create a new guide, and then you can select whether you want to create a guide based on 'places, products or posts'.
Depending on what you select will depend on what you search, for instance, if you select places, you will be searching locations and choosing a post taken at that location. When
selecting products we suggest adding them to your wishlist first so you can easily create your guide directly from your wishlist, or posts other than your own you will need to save to be able to add them to your guides.
NOTE: Our hint is to sit down and plan your guide and draft what you want to say before going to create your guide, this way you can save time going in and out of the guides feature. However, if you do want to exit out of your guide before your finished click the 'next' button and you can save the guide as a draft.
We hope you found this blog helpful and shed some light on the new Instagram Guides feature. Check out our guides on our Instagram for some inspiration! Our handle is @her.social, and be sure to send us your guides so we can check them out too!